Monday, December 10, 2012

Thanksgiving Part 3

This post is only a little overdue...

I love to go to Ann Arbor. Mike's Dad lives relatively close to our alma mater so we can usually meet up with him and find fun things to do as a family while we are visiting.

It was FREEZING!!! Although the day before, we were walking around without jackets, the cold blew in and it was very typical Michigan weather - translation: BAD WORDS COLD!!!! All I could think as we walked ran to the Diag to take some pictures was, "no wonder why I never made it to my classes!" {shhhh, don't tell my boys that!} But, I was determined to take a picture of my little Class of 2026 UofM-er on the M so I can compare it on his first day of college in ten years - eek!!!
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We met Mike's Dad for lunch at Cottage Inn Pizza (YUM!!) and then headed to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. We were met with some snow as we left our lunch! Charlie was thrilled but Henry, my little TX-born baby, was confused and kept saying "it's poking me!!" Ha ha!
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I have never been to the Hands-On Museum before but Charlie is certainly a future engineer so science museums are always a big hit! If you're in Ann Arbor with kids and looking for something to do (and you don't have tickets to a football game), I recommend it for sure!
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Everything that is built must be knocked down! Toddler rule.
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Henry was in love with this thing. I'm not exactly sure what science-y principle it taught - gravity? maybe. - but Henry found a yellow ball and would have been happy to not see anything else in the museum beyond this.
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I loved this bubble pulley. Lots of kids were trying to get the bubble above their heads. I knew Charlie would be able to do it!! And after a kid in line popped his first try, he was totally successful!! (And he's so gorgeous, too! I love that I'm raising a really handsome smartie-pants - just like his Dad!)
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I just loved these quotes that were written on the walls at the museum.
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When we got back to Mike's mom's house in Birmingham later that day, the kids all played a round of the "pillow game" with their Uncle Chris. I've never had the opportunity to watch what goes on during the pillow game before. Apparently, they just all toss a bunch of pillows at each other and this adds up to kid heaven.
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