My nephew was being baptized {I'm the godmother, boo-yah!} so we decided to fly up a few days before the ceremony to spend time in the city and visit with my brother's family.
The morning of our flight, we were battling with two huge weather systems -- and luckily, our flight was scheduled in between the storms so we avoided delays and cancellations. Unluckily, that meant we had to fly THROUGH both of them which made for a horribly bumpy flight. Like, CRAZY bumpy. I cried. And at one point, I may have screamed that I needed to get off "NOW!" at some sort of 30,000-ish altitude. Mike made fun of me. It wasn't my best moment. I hate flying.
The huge, awful storms also ruined our fab plans to drive down to Rhode Island and see a photographer friend of mine...
But the airport and the airplane were super fun for two little boys.
Jet Blue has personal TVs... perfect. I was terrified. They were watching tv.
The next day we decided to head into the city and see an IMAX at the Science Museum. But when those plans were squashed due to a sold out viewing {darn school groups who ruin EVERYTHING!}... we changed it up and hopped on the T to find our way to Fenway Park.
The subway in Boston is called the "Charlie Train", which we love! The boys thought it was lots of fun -- even when we got lost, just a bit -- and realized we were on the wrong train.
We decided to get off the train at the next stop and walk through the city towards Fenway (it was a GORGEOUS day). We didn't know exactly where we were but just a few steps from the subway, we saw the Boston Marathon Finish Line painted across the street.
It was a very strange realization to find ourselves where we found ourselves. We knew we were walking down the same street where only a few weeks prior, such horrible, cruel, senseless violence had occurred. As we continued our walk, we passed by the restaurants and the mailboxes that were still surrounded in piles of flowers for the souls who were lost there... and my heart melted. The little boy who died there looked so much like Charlie. And I just felt so much pain for his family as I held my boy's hand, ever so more tightly.
We found Fenway and Charlie was thrilled. He's quite obsessed with baseball and loves Babe Ruth -- so Fenway was quite the place of awe. We walked around and stopped in a shop to buy Charlie a Boston cap {and Henry, too, since he flat insisted that he do whatever Charlie does.}
I had wanted to take a tour of the park but we found The Bleacher Bar instead, which is a bar that overlooks the Fenway field. Beer AND a view?? DEAL! We bought the boys some custard and found a perfect little booth in the perfect little pocket of light and enjoyed some amazing chill time together.
I was pretty obsessed with the pocket of light coming right into the corner of our booth. I shot all of these on my "baby DSLR" instead of Princess Consuela. Since I hadn't dusted her off since upgrading to the Full Frame, I was actually thrilled that Baby McNikon and my off-brand lens could rock the low light so hard.
Also, I love that Henry always has to shove himself in a tight spot so that he's as close to his big brother as possible. I know it's annoying to my big guy, but gah! I just eat it up.
Love you.