Fast forward to my hair appointment back in July when I actually got to read a magazine and the Washingtonian said Cantler's was the authentic place to smash crabbies. And the idea was back on the table.
We decided to go on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. Well guess what? So did everyone else. First, we waited in line Then we waited in another line to get a table. It was about two hours of waiting. {insert shocked emoji face here}. And I couldn't get any cell service!!! Tragedy!!
But our boys are pretty awesome and did great waiting. We sat on a bench overlooking the water and I stole a bunch of crackers from a waitress so we could feed the ducks. And we took some pictures. Bless my hubby. He's no photographer... notice the pop-up-flash and the REALLY horrible angle which pretty much ensures that I'll be thinking about exercising all week because, um, thighs!

Once we got a table - holy gracious. The menu. I figured you just ordered crabbies and be done with it -- but their menu!!! It was HUGE and full of so many delicious things! I wanted crabs but I also wanted ALL THE THINGS! I think we settled on FOUR side dishes + 6 extra large crabs. It was ridiculous.
They also had REAL Kraft Mac n' Cheese for Henry. Which he didn't actually eat. Because it wasn't shaped like Spongebob...

No wonder why this place was a two hour wait. It. Was. Worth. It. Feel free to come visit us in DC. We'll take you.

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